What is “The Wealth Meta” about?

I’ve learnt from many years of managing personal finances and my career is that there are different “games” and “levels” of wealth. Most people are still stuck at “level 1”, without even realising that there are other games and levels.

Don’t you want to learn how to play at a higher, or different meta?

The Wealth Meta aims to equip you with the knowledge and skills to take your wealth to the next level.

This knowledge is typically kept “secret” within circles of of financial advisors, high net worth individuals and senior executives.

What will I be covering?

  1. Beyond basic personal finance – The basics and general advice are already covered by many others (If I cover something basic, I believe there is some unique value that I can provide, for example detailed practical execution)
  2. Practical learning – I include specific and practical advice so you understand how to take action. I prefer to teach how to fish, not just give the fish
  3. Career development – Personal finance is not just about budgeting and investing, but building your career and maximising your income potential
  4. Behavioural finance – Personal finance is so much more than just numbers in your bank account or in a spreadsheet, and it permeates into every aspect of our lives

My objective is to share as much of my knowledge and experiences with others so in a freely accessible manner with everyone.

My policy on keeping my mission to share real knowledge with real practical advice is as follows:

  • I will not post content with the primary intention of making money: I will not recommend tools, products or services of any kind unless I have actually used them myself. As an example, I will not write a list of “Top 5 stockbrokers in Malaysia”, with affiliate links for each stockbroker. I may, however, have one affiliate link to the one product in a category that I actually use in real life
  • I will only share sponsored content if I truly believe in and use the product: I’m not going to recommend crypto platforms, or FX trading, or gold products, no matter if sponsors approach me. I don’t touch any of that.

Why did I start this website?

I’ve always wanted to give back through some form of charity, social impact, or philanthropy. I decided that it should be related to financial literacy, which I’m extremely passionate about. However, I didn’t feel a connection or excitement with any of the financial literacy causes I found.

Through my own journey for financial independence and discussions with others, I made three observations:

  1. Most people understand the basics of personal finance (such as don’t spend more than you earn, or save for emergencies), but don’t know take action
  2. Past the basics and general knowledge, there wasn’t much discussion or practical knowledge on what’s the next level of personal finance
  3. Many people with above-average incomes / net worth are actually not financially literate and have (different) financial problems

So I decided that I could give back to others by sharing my experiences and practical knowledge targetting those who have passed level 1 (the basics), but need help with level 2 and beyond.

Who am I?

MBB strategy consultant, stockbroker, banker. MBA at one of Australia’s top B-schools. (Previously) Licensed to provide financial advice in Australia.

Loves to talk about personal finance, self-improvement and high-performance mindsets.

Blessed by many opportunities that have come my way.

By many measures, I’m considered financially independent and relatively successful. But this wasn’t always the case, albeit having grown up in a middle-income household that emphasised education and frugality.

I coasted through university, with just passing grades and no internships. During that time, I spent above my means and borrowed money from friends. I thought once I finished university I’d easily get a job offer, and all would be fine.

I was wrong.

For months I got zero interviews. I dried up all the money I borrowed and was too proud to ask my parents for help. I ended up doing door-to-door sales, until I managed to get a job at Starbucks, which I did whilst trying to find a corporate job.

Whilst working at Starbucks, a fire grew inside me, to never be broke and or in an unfulfilling job (to me) ever again. I started reading about personal finance which got me interested in the stock market. After 6 months of applying for jobs, I finally managed to get an offer as a call centre representative for a digital stockbroking platform. From there, I worked my way up the corporate ladder in consulting and banking roles, working closely with the C-suite and boards of directors (banks and insurers in particular).

Not the typical profile of a “personal finance content creator”. But this isn’t a typical site. It’s The Wealth Meta.